On May 25, 1 year after the entry into force of GDPR, the National Authority for Personal Data Processing Supervision (ANSPDCP) has already begun a series of thematic controls at national level in order to align itself to the European GDPR practice (as we have informed you about it in one of the previous articles on the site). of. As results of these controls, fines between 10,000 and 100,000 Euros have been applied so far.
To avoid any kind of risks, we present you below just a few examples of services that the Paulopol Attorneys and Counselors Law Firm can provide you by outsourcing the Data Protection Officer (DPO) to implement the GDPR correctly:
These are just some of the services we can offer you related to GDPR.
For details and legal assistance, please contact us by email at office@paulopol.ro.